An Article on Watching the Presidential Debate (because there’s no wrestling on TV on Thursday Nights)

An Article on Watching the Presidential Debate (because there’s no wrestling on TV on Thursday Nights)

On the evening of Thursday June 27th, I found myself in a terrible situation.  Most nights of the week I can watch wrestling-

To start the week, there’s WWE’s Monday Night Raw.

NXT is the WWE “minor league feeder show” on Tuesday nights.

Wednesdays bring AEW Dynamite.

Friday has WWE Smackdown, WWE’s NXT’s Level Up which is the feeder for the feeder show, as well as AEW Rampage. 

On Saturdays one can watch AEW Collision, plus Saturdays and Sundays on any given month offer no shortage of Pay Per Views or Premium Live Events depending on one’s branding.

But Thursday nights… Thursdays are barren of wrestling.  (We don’t acknowledge NWA in this house, sorry to my friends who work there)

And that’s how I found myself watching the presidential debate.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Path To The White House

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Path To The White House

We are in a perilous time in our nation, and the upcoming November election is not going to make things any better. Between the two viable candidates, neither exactly presents hope for the next four years. What America needs right now, perhaps more than ever, is a candidate who is willing to not only disregard the partisan media, bloodythirsty lobbyists, and the greater demons of their own party and bring our country together in a spirit of compassion, compromise and unity. Neither President Biden nor former President Donald Trump come close to checking those boxes, and it’s gonna be rough living here for the considerable future.

“But Matt,” you might be saying, “you said there were only TWO viable candidates. What about this Robert Kennedy Jr. I’ve been hearing about on social media and some of my weirder friends? I’m sure you just forgot about him and now you are going to go back in real time and change your column because it’s only fair to include everyone with a realistic chance of becoming the next President of these great United States.” If this is you, I have a simple response: Shut up. You are wrong. RFK Jr. has no chance of becoming the next leader of the free world.

Well, that’s not exactly true. There is one path…

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Nothing anyone says fucking matters anymore: A GOP guide to living…

Nothing anyone says fucking matters anymore: A GOP guide to living…

This week should have been momentous as Donald J. Trump, a man who somehow got voted president in 2016, was indicted. However, because it is Donald Trump, it’s completely and utterly mundane. Honestly, I’m not sure how many times he’s been indicted now. Three times? Six times? Who knows? All I know is that it happened and is probably going to happen again soon (if all things from Georgia seem like they’re going to happen) and will probably keep happening until the slimy fuck is in the ground.

Continue reading “Nothing anyone says fucking matters anymore: A GOP guide to living…”

The One Question Donald Trump Needs To Be Asked Before The 2024 Election…

The One Question Donald Trump Needs To Be Asked Before The 2024 Election…

With the official announcement that hate-filled potato Ron DeSantis is entering the race for the presidency, we finally have the possibility of a candidate who could overtake former President Donald Trump. However, and maybe I’m crazy, but there seems to be a really easy way to derail the Trump campaign and, quite frankly, it fucking baffles me that no one has directly asked Trump this question.

Here it is:

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Where will Tucker Carlson wind up next?

Where will Tucker Carlson wind up next?

If your super-transphobic family member who seems to only post stupid memes on social media seems a little sad today, I think I know why: their hero no longer has a platform. There is no reason to state this other than with the most blunt of terms: today, Fox News has fired Tucker Carlson.

Continue reading “Where will Tucker Carlson wind up next?”

The worst thing about a former president being indicted is just how little it changes…

The worst thing about a former president being indicted is just how little it changes…

This past Thursday, former president (or current president, depending on how Q Anon you may be) Donald Trump was indicted on Thursday afternoon on 34 counts of, assumably business fraud. We can’t be sure because the indictment still remains under seal as of the time of this writing, but that’s a pretty good bet, unless betting on this kind of stuff would also be considered business fraud, in which case never mind. Trump is apparently set to be arraigned this upcoming Tuesday and that is when the real circus shall begin. This is the first time in the history of our nation that a former president has been indicted, which is truly remarkable when you consider some of the real pieces of shit who have held the office.

The national response to this news has been, depressingly, predictable. The pro-Trump outlets believe this is the worst thing to happen to America. The outlets more critical of the former president believe that this could lead to the end of the Trump movement in American politics. Trump’s primary opponent in the 2024 GOP primary (though he has yet to announce), Ron DeSantis, has chosen to attack Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg rather than the guy Bragg is attempting to prosecute because the GOP is such a firm believer in supporting law enforcement. And Donald Trump has used this opportunity to announce that he has raised four million dollars since he has been indicted.

The only thing that any of this has meant is that nothing has changed.

Continue reading “The worst thing about a former president being indicted is just how little it changes…”

The Reasons Why Donald Trump May Announce His 2024 Presidential Campaign Shortly (and the one reason that is absolutely not true)

The Reasons Why Donald Trump May Announce His 2024 Presidential Campaign Shortly (and the one reason that is absolutely not true)

If you are to believe Alex Jones and Roger Stone, Donald Trump will be using the Independence Day holiday as the way to kick off his 2024 run for office of President Of The United States of America, a job he recently held until Joe Biden absolutely decimated him in the 2020 election. Now, short of mental illness, I’m not sure why anyone would trust anything Jones or Stone says, but I do think their prediction has a chance of coming true.

Let’s talk about why.

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You Can Receive 81,282,632 Votes And Still Have Nobody Like You

You Can Receive 81,282,632 Votes And Still Have Nobody Like You

At the time I’m writing this, President Joe Biden has an approval rating, according to the FiveThirtyEight site, of 41.8%, and that is not a good number. It’s not the worst his approval ratings have been at, but I don’t see it taking any monumental changes anytime soon. It appears that Biden will have the same fate of former President Trump, whose approval rating always seemed to stay between 40-43%.

Liberals are disappointed with him because he’s unable to do any of the things they want him to do because of the razor-thin Senate majority. Conservatives hate him because their hearts are mostly empty, like the Grinch in the beginning and middle of the book. The media doesn’t like him because they cannot fill their day like they did with Trump. This is just speculation, but I bet even the White House chefs don’t like him, because he seems like the kind of motherfucker whose idea of a perfect meal is just plain white rice and a glass of tap water.

We all don’t like the dude. But we also knew that when we elected him.

Continue reading “You Can Receive 81,282,632 Votes And Still Have Nobody Like You”

The REAL January 6th Story The Liberal Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About

The REAL January 6th Story The Liberal Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About

As the House committee on the events of domestic terrorism on January 6th of this year keep rolling on, we have rarely found ourselves surprised by any of the news or developments. Sure, the committee suggested that Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and Mark Meadows be indicted, but I’ve been suggesting that for those idiots for over a decade now. Can you indict someone for being a turd? No? Well, you should be able to.

However, real news happened yesterday when Congresswoman Liz Cheney revealed some of the texts sent to Meadows (then Chief Of Staff) on the day that democracy almost died. People were obviously calling for President Trump to do something; that’s not surprising. What is surprising is who was reaching out to Meadows: Fox News personalities Laura Ingraham, Brian Kilmeade and Sean Hannity. Oh, and also Donald Trump Jr., who shares such a similar name with the former president that one would almost be able to conclude that they are related.

The news shocked people and was one of the major stories this week. So, it came as no surprise that the media is covering this story 100% wrong.

Stupid, stupid media.

Continue reading “The REAL January 6th Story The Liberal Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About”

President-Sponsored Terrorism

President-Sponsored Terrorism

About two hours ago, I turned on the television to watch the counting of the electoral votes. I knew that some senators and congressmen were going to be making a big fracas about stuff, and I knew that people were going to be protesting somewhere in Washington. If I’m being honest, I didn’t know what to expect.

I know that I didn’t expect this.

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