O Woe, O Rapture: Farewell to the Philadelphia 76ers

The Philadelphia basketball team was eliminated today. Their complete mismanagement of such a promising team has led them to this fate. So, as they surely deserve, we quench their candle with a poem.

O Woe, O Rapture

What divine provision brought us here?
Envisioned this yoke upon our shoulders
That we may dream of brighter days and lesser worries
That we may feel such passion that our hearts cannot contain

O Woe!
We have not returned thy favor
Entrapped within our hubris
That we may wallow in the depths of ourselves
That our souls may bear the brunt of null conviction

O Rapture!
Whom shall walk beside us now?
Felled beasts of expectation
Emboldened hearts lay open, still
That our quickened hour held blissful essence
That lacklust be, and seldom sprouted

Goodbye, Sixers team…

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