Nothing anyone says fucking matters anymore: A GOP guide to living…

This week should have been momentous as Donald J. Trump, a man who somehow got voted president in 2016, was indicted. However, because it is Donald Trump, it’s completely and utterly mundane. Honestly, I’m not sure how many times he’s been indicted now. Three times? Six times? Who knows? All I know is that it happened and is probably going to happen again soon (if all things from Georgia seem like they’re going to happen) and will probably keep happening until the slimy fuck is in the ground.

Of course, this led for another round of Republican outrage. We got to hear more about the two-tiered justice system and how terrible it is for a political majority to punish their political rivals. And that would be all fair and good except for one simple fact.

Republicans are full of shit. They don’t care about oppression. They just want to be the people doing the oppressing.

So often, we hear from conservatives how unfair things are. There are people who believe that the most oppressed group in this country are white Christian men, and you see people say that with a straight face. Of course, almost everyone saying it is a white Christian male, and there version of oppression is weird. It’s always because a store has a “Happy Holidays” sign instead of “Merry Christmas” or because we take a month to celebrate specific genders or races or sexualities that aren’t theirs or because, and this one is the most egregious, because we demand justice when police murder an unarmed person of color. We’re told it’s a first amendment violation or the clear oppression of rights. And that would be fine except that these are then the same people who have no problem putting their boots on the necks of the people who don’t agree with them.

It’s hypocrisy, plain and simple.

The most clear example of this is Fox News. Fox News was supposedly formed as a way to counter the horrible liberal media, so biased in its reporting that it was always giving an unfair agenda to the issues. Let’s pretend that’s true (it isn’t). If liberal bias was such a horrible problem, then the best possible way to counter that would be to create a news network that was so unbiased in its reporting and commentary that it would be impossible to argue it’s bona fides. Instead, we have Fox News, a network who had to pay a billion dollars for spreading lies about the 2020 election while firing the guy who spread the most lies (Tucker Carlson, a man who Fox lawyers argued in court that no one should take seriously). Fox News isn’t upset about a media bias. They were upset because they believed the bias wasn’t helping them.

Tucker Carlson, shithead

Is that the only example? Of course it isn’t.

The people who are told their free speech rights are being oppressed are the same people who fucking loooooooove burning books. The same congressmen who believed that impeaching Donald Trump (twice) was akin to treason are the same people trying so desperately to start impeachment trials on Joe Biden (for, seemingly, anything that can stick). And speaking of Trump: remember how I wrote about his indictment at the start of this? All we’ve heard from him is two different points. The first is how unfair these charges are. The second is how, when he becomes president, he will attack his political opponents in the exact same manner. Who is the biggest supporter of this? Why, it’s Fox News, who made the claim when they started as a network how “fair and balanced” they are.

Conservatives aren’t about fairness or decency of any of that shit. They’re about taking the things they believe are wrong when it’s happening to them and putting that bullshit onto others, only harder and doing so while claiming to be the victims. They’re cowards and bullies and grifters.

Ain’t they the Grand Ol’ Party?

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