The One Question Donald Trump Needs To Be Asked Before The 2024 Election…

With the official announcement that hate-filled potato Ron DeSantis is entering the race for the presidency, we finally have the possibility of a candidate who could overtake former President Donald Trump. However, and maybe I’m crazy, but there seems to be a really easy way to derail the Trump campaign and, quite frankly, it fucking baffles me that no one has directly asked Trump this question.

Here it is:

“President Trump, you have claimed over and over again that the results of the 2020 election was fraudulent and that you should be the president and not Joe Biden. If we are to assume this is true, and Democrats have held the White House and Senate and no real election reform has occurred in the states you claim you were cheated out of, then why should we not assume that the Democrats will also rig the 2024 election? Why, if their votes truly don’t matter, should your supporters come out if they’re just going to waste their votes on a corrupt system?”

That, dear readers, is the only question I want to hear that motherfucker answer.

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